Wednesday, 2 May 2012

31 Day Blog Challenge! 2ND MAY

2nd. You have the most...

Hair accessories!

I was thinking about doing jewellery as a whole but I would literally be here all night. So out of all my jewellery, I have more hair stuff than anything else. 

Here are some pics of all the hair clips in my box (currently - as some are awol!) and also a close up on some faves.

These are my newbies as of today! My Nan got me them from a market

A lovely lady from eBay sent me these (leopard ones) as an apology for me not receiving a necklace that she then resent with these lovelies :)

Love these Zombie Brain ones from Hot Topic!
 I literally have loads! I wont go into it too much as Ive already posted here where I've shown more of my faves and pics of me wearing my lovely bows and clips.

I also have scarves that I use in my hair and some hairbands.

The white one with the removable flower (Avon!) and the bow ones are my faves but rarely get to wear them.

Ive had an obsession for years with hair stuff and my collection grew enormously when I started going to America (Hot Topic and Forever 21, hello!). Primarks another great one for hair stuff. Now for every birthday or Christmas my Mum, Sister and Nan stock me up well with little hair and jewellery pieces. I wear one everyday - whether its an understated black clip, or a big flower, these beauties are much worn and much loved. My newest are the butterfly ones that my Nan gave me today on my most amazing mothers 50th birthday, so I will always associate them with that. 

Happy Birthday to my wonderful mother. I love her more than I tell her which is lots and lots :) xxx

Mucho Love.


  1. Love your collection! I'm a sucker for a cute bow, and love hair accessories in general!

  2. You have loads! I literally have about 5 hair clips I never know what to do with them. I really like the leopard ones xx

  3. Thanks ladies :) I am a sucker for a cute bow or two :) I am very lucky. xx
