Sunday, 22 April 2012

Wedding Bells

So Ive been a crap blogger AGAIN and not updated in a while so am going to have a quick recap all in one go!

First bit of news is that my beloved implant is gone :( The 3 years were almost up and I knew I would be getting it removed slightly early (its around my birthday so wanted it out before then) but then I started getting some dodgy symptoms. Everyone told me I was pregnant and they were pregnancy symptoms but I of course knew this was bollocks. It wasn't until my husband suggested it that it became a possibility! So we went on a late night excursion to Tesco and got a pregnancy test - of course it as negative so a big fat "I told you so!" to everyone! So anyway, I researched these symptoms and found that alot of girls reported these symptoms as a sign of the implant running out. So I scheduled myself in for a removal.

Compared to the insertion, which was still pain free and easy, this was a piece of cake. I didn't really feel the needle, I did feel the scalpel a bit but nothing else. The nurse was amazing and had a good chat with me about my options and she thought I was sensible by wanting no contraceptives (only condoms) for a while to give my body a break. Ive had the implant for 3 years, the injection for 1 & 1/2 and then the pill for several before that so I wanted a break. 

So anyway, my arm wasn't too sore and barely any bruise. Wanna see the skanky pics? If you know, I would scroll down a bit!!

And here's the tiny wound! Top left mark I believe to be the general, and the red mark below is the incision which I thought was going to be alot bigger!

So yeah! Next it was my friend Chloes wedding. I met her in college about 7-8 years ago. Her and her friend Paula skipped 6th form whereas me and my best mate at the time Kelly had completed it so they are 2 years younger.
Like me she had a small family wedding first then everyone in for the evening do. She looked so beautiful we both cried when we saw each other, me setting her off! 

Plus having full on wedding rage didnt help (Ive been there and done it already and it made me jealous LOL).

I had nothing to wear so I decided to hot foot it to a shopping centre by my work with a Yours shop. I tried on several items before I was about to give up. The lovely manageress who says hello and has a chat with me every time I go in came over and we had a chat as to what I needed. She immediately went over to a dress and said "this is a little stunner". I was close to giving up so decided to humour her and try it on - and my god was she right!! I would never have given it a second glance OR paid £35 FULL PRICE for a dress but I have just received a bonus and have another wedding in a few weeks I can wear it to. 

Here are the first outfits I tried. Please excuse the cottage cheese legs, the wet bedraggled hair and the odd socks.

Nice but not dressy enough - plus I don't have enough boobs!

OK for a prom or night out with the girls, not me at all

I adored this pattern and material but it made my bum look lumpy dumpy and it clung to every line and bump.

Then this dress came into my life.

So just before I show you what I was wearing with it, I planned to keep it low key with black cardy, black tights and my fave black peep top t-bars BUT as I was pulling my tights on, my disc in my back re-ruptured. Ive been in agony since! I also ripped my fave tights! I as already late so I finished my make up, added grey tights and mis matching red shoes (flat!). I didn't have time to straighten my hair either! Disaster! I made the wedding and the bride was chuffed that I had managed to waddle in. I was in that much pain by the end of it, i was sobbing whilst trying to walk to the car, but the important thing is that I got to share her day.



More disappointingly, I didn't get to see my nephew today. My back had eased by this morning but as I was trying to get my fabulous new Yours pants on, I pulled it again so have been resting in bed all afternoon. 

Look at the fabulous pants!

Dress - Yours £35
Pants - Yours 2 for £10
Tights - Evans
Shoes - Simplbe (both red and peeptoes)
Cardy - Hand my down

Sorry for the extra pics today! Had a fair bit of catching up to do!!

Mucho love


  1. I love that dress . I would love to go to a yours clothing store ;-)

  2. Do you not have one locally?! That sucks!! To be fair, I very rarely try anything on and tend to buy online when they have a sale. I bought 3 pairs of shoes from them recently and am kicking myself for not buying more.

    The dress I got is a different pattern to that one on your wishlist :) it fits lovely. I normally size up but you dont need to on this dress.

  3. oooohhh I love this dress!!! You guys have the best plus-size shops over there siiighhhhh

    Olivia :) x
    Wait Until The Sunset

    1. I am quite lucky! Cant afford to shop in them most of the time lol I'm hoping we get a Simplybe shop soon but no one ever wants to do anything fun in my town :(

  4. I loved the animal print dress, I thought it looked awesome! Also love that you're wearing two different socks in the picture!


    1. Thanks! Its one of those that the more you think about the more you like - and when you go back to get it they dont have it in your size lol

      Always shaking it up with mismatching socks haha!
