I would like to thank these two great girlies for their gift, I truly do appreciate it! Please check out their blogs if you hadn't already done so.
So as I was nominated by both, I will answer both Cheryl's and Stefi's questions. Rules are below.
Its an award for up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers
The rules for receiving the award are as follows :
1) Each person must post 11 things about themselves
2) Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3) Choose 11 people and link them in the post
4)Go to their page and tell them
5) No tag backs!
11 Things about me!
1) I have begun a small obsession of wearing dresses.
2) I love reading. Much prefer it over TV anyday.
3) I find it really hard to let go of pretty much anything. I still cant watch the ending of Glee!
4) Which ties me into number 4 - I'm a huge Gleek.
5) I am a total nerd and love the comic book heros
6) Sometimes I hate who I am. I annoy myself then spiral about what others think.
7) I will always go out of my way for others no matter how much it puts me out
8) Part of my little finger is missing where I lost it in a kitchen vs blade incident 10 years ago.
9) I'm a qualified Legal Secretary.
10) I have a genetic back condition
11) I'm a make up and accessories whore bag!
Cheryl's Questions
What made you start blogging?
I read an article in the Daily Fail which featured Lorna of The Ginger Peardrop. Naomi from Diamonds 'n' Pearls was featured which got me reading. I started reading more and one day I was house sitting my Nan's house and started writing! Girls got me inspired!
Heels or Flats?
Flats but I try heels at least once a week.
Eyeshadows or Mascara?
Mascara as I have to chose but use both daily.
Clothes or Make up?
Arrgh no fair!! Erm, Clothes - gun to my head.
What is your most item you use?
My cocoa butter moisturising cream. Could not live without it.Whats your most brand that you use that often?
Probably Avon
Evans or Yours? I love both but the girls in Yours are on first name terms with me! Yours is more accessible and more affordable.
What make up item would you not leave the house with out on? Eyeliner!
Whats the most item you couldnt live without? Probably my phone and/or iPad. Cant chose!
What high street stores you shop at? Yours, Evans, sometimes Tesco.
Make up or Clothing If you had to choose you would take away with you? Clothes. I forgot make up on our honeymoon and had to go out and buy some!
Stefi's Questions
What's your most worn item of clothing?
My Yours floral dress. I wear it once a week and wore it to two weddings in one month!
Do you prefer to shop alone or with friends?
Alone, my style is smack bang in the middle of my friends. Plus I get embarrassed about sizes etc so would rather get in and out on my own.
Whoes style would you steal if you could?
Famous - it would be Tess Munster. Love all the stuff she wears and how she has her hair etc. Non-Famous it would be Rachel from adressisforlife.blogspot.co.uk.
I love her cute hair styles and dresses :) Awesome shoe collection too.
Beach Holiday or City Break? Both. I cant chose. I love the sea, being near the sea, by it, on it, in it - but Vegas is my all time fave place to be. Nothing compares!
One Peice or Bikini on the Beach? One piece. With sarong. Hidden under a huge pair of sunglasses.
Dresses or Pants (Trousers)? Dresses by a long shot
How do you feel about Belts? Love em, but just dont really have the boobs or hips to pull them off AND be comfortable.
Best Sale Bargain EVER? My floral New Look dress, it was something like £6 from the sale and I wear it every week.
Chick flick or action movie? Either or really, If I had to chose, chick flick.
A feel good song is? Something I can relate to AND belt out, up loud on my own. At the moment, rock stuff aside, I'm digging Pink.
Tea or Coffee? I love tea more than most things in life. I'm sure its 80% tea nad 20% blood that runs through my veins.
Right, now my 11 questions:
1. If you could own ANY retail chain and mould it how you wanted and have infinite free clothes - who would it be?
2. If you had no ties and could move any where in the world, where would you go?
3. Favourite colour to wear?
4. Item of clothing you know doesn't suit you but you LOVE anyway?
5. Fave nail colour/brand?
6. Body part you love and why?
7. One thing you want to do by your next birthday?
8. Do you have any tattoos, or ideas for one?
9. Pen or pencil?
10. Do you prefer texting or talking?
11. Who inspired you to be the person you are today?
And the nominees are;
And I know youve been nominated a gazillion times for this but I couldn't miss a nod at these two girls.
Thats enough for tonight. To the girls that voted for me, thank you so much. For the girls Ive nominated, thanks for inspiring me
Mucho Love