Sunday 9 February 2014

Facebook - Swearing included.

Is it just me or has Facebook turned into a gigantic bullshit fest?
Once a place I went to find and make friends, keep in touch with family, plan events, share pictures of my life, have banter and follow the goings ons of my favourite teams/bands/clubs etc.

Now my news feed is 90% pictures of babies, 5% game requests and 5% utter nonsense.

Whilst I am happy for my friends who - unlike me - have managed to conceive and are proud of their offspring, I don't really want to see 17 pictures of little Jimmy in the bath every day or know what he's done in his nappy. I also don't need to have tri-daily updates on what he's eating, playing with, doing....

I also don't need the gratuitous "My little baby is 3months, 17 days and 4hours old right now, where has the time gone?" - well, just check my newsfeed, I'm sure you'll find it there, along with 964 pictures of your spawn in varying stages of his/her life. 

Don't get me wrong - I like kids, I'm more than happy for my friends and family who have them. One of the reasons I kept Facebook so long is so I could keep up with my nephews and friends kids. I like seeing the cute pics - within reason. This is purely aimed at the people who apparently have nothing left in their life to talk about. I think kids today are over exposed as it is, without 4 pictures of its nappy being changed every 3 hours appearing on my feed. 

If that wasn't enough to set me over the edge then the game requests certainly did. No, I do not want to play Bubble Saga, or Sweet Shop or Farmville or anything similar. NO. I even went so far as to publicly request people not to invite me to these games (cue trolling from my colleagues and husband) but was met with a resounding chorus of "Well, why don't you just block the game request?"......why don't you fuck off sending them to me? I DO block them, but as soon as I've blocked one lot, another batch of irritatingly addictive and equally time wasting games comes out. I'd be forever blocking them.
I even went as far to say I'd delete people who invited me to them, and held my end of the bargain.... but they still came.

Add all of this to the fact that I can't speak my mind on their because most people on there can't be trusted. That, my friend, is the white icing on the big blue Facebook cake. 

I can't remember the last time I used it for connecting with people, had a decent conversation or read anything remotely interesting on there. 

So, for the meantime, I'm on 'hiatus'. I'm cutting away all of the nonsense in my life and re-focusing on the stuff I enjoy. Back to swimming and the gym, more time writing and blogging. 

Hopefully in a few months it will either A) have become interesting again or B) It won't bother me so much.

Well, we'll see...